Knowledge and Attitudes of Hong Kong Pregnant Women on Group B Streptococcus Screening


  • William WK TO
  • Daniel LW CHAN



Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of Hong Kong pregnant women and the difference between first- and third-trimester pregnant women with regard to screening for Group B streptococcus.
Methods: Unselected consecutive pregnant women who attended the antenatal clinic over a 1-month period for nuchal translucency examination in the first trimester and cardiotocogram in the third trimester were invited to complete a self-administered anonymous questionnaire. The questionnaire contained items on their sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge about and acceptance of Group B streptococcus screening.

Results: Of 230 questionnaires, 213 were included in the analysis (109 were from participants in the first trimester and 104 were in the third trimester). Only 36% of the participants had ever heard about Group B streptococcus. The mean score for knowledge about Group B streptococcus was 3 out of 17, whilst 41% of participants could not answer any questions correctly. However, 81% of them were willing to have Group B streptococcus screening during pregnancy, and 66% agreed that universal Group B streptococcus should be implemented. Participants who had ever heard about Group B streptococcus had higher scores on knowledge of Group B streptococcus (p<0.001) and better acceptance to its screening (p=0.003).
Conclusions: Our results indicate that awareness and knowledge of Group B streptococcus were remarkably poor. It is important to improve public awareness and knowledge on the subject to allow women to make informed decisions about whether to receive Group B streptococcus screening and intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis. Specific initiatives should be targeted to new immigrants and visitors from China, as they had lower awareness, knowledge, and acceptance to Group B streptococcus screening.




How to Cite

CHOW T, TO WW, CHAN DL. Knowledge and Attitudes of Hong Kong Pregnant Women on Group B Streptococcus Screening. Hong Kong J Gynaecol Obstet Midwifery [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];13(1). Available from:



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