Maternal resuscitation drills for perimortem Caesarean section: use of a prepacked instrument set and a manikin model


  • Shuk-Leung MA
  • Wing-Yan SHIU
  • William Wing-Kee TO
  • Choi-Wah KONG



Prompt delivery of the baby by emergency perimortem Caesarean section (PMCS) in the event of maternal cardiac arrest is crucial for improving maternal and neonatal outcomes. Regular training and drills are essential to improve staff competence. We recommend the use of a prepacked set of instruments for PMCS and a manikin model for simulation training.


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How to Cite

MA S-L, SHIU W-Y, TO WW-K, KONG C-W. Maternal resuscitation drills for perimortem Caesarean section: use of a prepacked instrument set and a manikin model. Hong Kong J Gynaecol Obstet Midwifery [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];20(2). Available from:



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