Fetal neurosonographic phenotyping of inborn errors of metabolism


  • Yi Man Isabella WAH
  • Chun Yiu LAW




Brain, Genetic testing, Magnetic resonance imaging, Metabolism, inborn errors, Prenatal diagnosis, Ultrasonography, prenatal


Fetal central nervous system malformations are commonly encountered during routine fetal morphology scans. Fetal ventriculomegaly is among the most common prenatal neuroimaging findings including midline abnormalities, posterior fossa abnormalities, and cortical malformation. Their imaging features are often symptoms or part of the phenotypic features of the underlying disease. Collective information from targeted fetal neurosonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and genetic testing can help clinicians to make the diagnosis. We review various common and essential fetal neuroimaging features and highlight their association with inborn errors of metabolism.


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How to Cite

WAH YMI, LAW CY. Fetal neurosonographic phenotyping of inborn errors of metabolism. Hong Kong J Gynaecol Obstet Midwifery [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];23(1). Available from: https://hkjgom.org/home/article/view/332


