Hong Kong Journal of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Midwifery

About the Journal

Hong Kong Journal of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Midwifery (HKJGOM)is the official publication of the Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Midwives Association. It publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of gynaecology, obstetrics, midwifery and related fields, including original basic and clinical studies, review articles, perspective, case reports, and abstracts or reports presented at scientific meetings or seminars.


Move to Digital Copies


From July 2025, we will be moving to digital delivery for the Hong Kong Journal of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Midwifery by default.

You will still receive the same educational information from the Journal as ever. The only change will be a move to a more environmentally friendly means of delivery, saving tens of thousand pages of print per year.

How to access
Accessing your Journal online is quick, convenient and simple to do from the journal webpage. There you will find the digital copy of the current and back issues.

Request for paper copies
If you would like to continue receive a physical copy of the Journal, please scan the following QR code to notify the OGSHK secretariat. If we do not hear from you by 30th April 2025, we will assume that you do not need a physical copy in future.

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You can also scan the following QR code to update your postal and/or email address.

Best wishes,
Hong Kong Journal of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Midwifery

Read more about Move to Digital Copies

Current Issue

Vol. 25 No. 1 (2025)
Published: 2024-12-03

Original Article (Obstetrics)

Original Article (Gynaecology)

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